Laser-Like Lipo with Zero Drugs, Zero Surgery, Zero Pain

Vevazz Vision

Neuroscience is the future!

Neuroscience is recognized as a major contributor to the advancement of drug free health and wellness. In 2013 the BRAIN Initiative, (Brain Research through Advanced Innovative Neurotechnologies, also referred to as the Brain Activity Map Project) was announced by President Obama. Modeled after the Human Genome Project the goal is to map the activity of every neuron in the human brain.   Prestigious institutions and individuals have formed a working group of advisors that includes the NIH, the Salk Institute, Stanford University, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, DARPA and NSF along with Google, Microsoft and Qualcomm.

Neuroscience is focused on the brain and how it impacts and influences our everyday thoughts and actions with EEG’s being utilized more frequently to further our understanding of the brain. Mainstream TV programming is featuring updates on the brain. Morgan Freeman’s “Through The Wormhole” series elegantly presented how brain wave modification can have an amazing impact on our speed of learning. Likewise the National Geographic’s Emmy nominated “Brain Games” provided and excellent perspective on the workings of the brain. Meanwhile the National Institute of Health has identified the brain the last frontier of the human anatomy.

So how does all this new technology impact YOU?

The Vevazz Vision System (VVS) utilizes leading edge neuroscience and technology to give you the positive mental mind-set needed to be successful, AKA getting you into the “Zone”.

The Vevazz Vision System is a simple to use tool that can greatly impact your weight, pain and other management programs.

  • The Vevazz Vision System provides the missing element needed for successful weight and pain management programs as well as stress reduction and sleep. There are over 60 topics with over 900 programs.
  • A ten-year clinical Study conducted at Duke Comprehensive Medical Center reported that a positive Mind Set is responsible for 50% of successful recovery from cancer.
  • A positive Mind Set is identified as increased alpha and theta brainwaves.
  • Increased alpha and theta brainwaves identified in the Discovery TV series with Morgan Freeman were the key to improving learning by over 230%
  • EEG brain mapping shows that using the VVS shows the brain moving from Beta (wide awake) into high levels the Alpha and Theta.

What is uniquely significant about the VVS is that top experts and professionals in their fields create the library of over 900 programs.

  • Authors in the Wisdom Library include top-level health and wellness providers such as Dr. Emmett Miller MD. Dr. Miller is recognized as the pioneer and a leader in the field of drug-free medicine and neuroscience.
  • Dr. Brenda Wade and Dr. Michael Breus, both top medical-media personalities, are often seen on the Dr. Oz show, The Doctors and other TV programs.
  • Additional authors include Dr. Deepak Chopra, Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, and Michael Beckwith.
  • Top sports experts in golf, hockey, top business success experts, accelerated learning and over 50 additional topics.

Health Benefits

While a positive mind-set is essential reducing stress and improving sleep are the foundation of good health. The National Institute of Health and the Center for Disease Control both state unequivocally that stress is the single largest cause of up to 90% of all disease.  This includes major health risks such as heart attacks and cancer. The simplest and most effective way to provide people with a healthier life is by reducing stress. The Mayo Clinic’s studies on stress reduction report that employing meditation (which is the primary benefit of using the VVS) is number one on the list of stress reducer options.

The attached includes the clinical studies done on breast cancer survival at Duke Medical Center over an eleven-year period. The results showed that a positive mindset was responsible for 50% of recovery. The VVS provides a simple to use, low cost solution for helping to provide the positive mindset needed to recover from a grave illness such as cancer.

Programs Available

  • For Improved Body Sculpturing results the Vevazz Vision System helps with focus and creating a positive Mind Set as well as providing supportive information.
  • There are over 900 recordings and over 60 topics to choose from such as:
  • SleepStress ReductionWeight LossGolfDealing with Depression

Treatment Protocol

  • For Body Sculpturing The Vevazz Vision System can be successfully used before, during or after the treatment.
  • Further customize the VVS and take it home with you for programs such as Stop Smoking, Stress Reduction, Sleep, and Dealing with Addiction, PTSD, and Support for Cancer Patients.
  • Both Adults and Children can benefit from using the VVS.

Sample Treatment Program for Self Care


If you have ever been present at a shift change for caregivers and support staff, one of the first things that’s apparent is how tired and fatigued the departing people appear to be. Both stress and fatigue are critical factors that impact the quality of job performance, quality of patient care and the potential for errors.
The Vevazz Vision offers one of the most innovative and effective solutions for helping to manage stress and fatigue in the taxing patient care and medical environment. The Master Key addresses both stress and fatigue with an innovative, easy to use twenty-minute rest and rejuvenation program.

The Issue:

There is an additional factor that plays a key role when dealing with stress: Exhaustion, brought on by a lack of sufficient quality sleep and the intense workload. The combined affects of stress and exhaustion greatly increase the possibility for errors and mistakes that can severely impacting job performance and service scores. Work environment issues can also have a negative impact on medical practitioners retention and recruitment.

Often overlooked is the impact that fatigue has on the medical practitioner’s personal lives, not just their job performance. According to the American Medical Association stress is the cause of over 80% of all illness and disease, while the National Institute of Health sets the figure closer to 90%. Stress is directly linked to the six leading causes of death, making stress the #1 killer in America today. This means our nurses and medical practitioners are one of the most at risk populations for stress related illness and death. Stress and fatigue can impact every aspect of a caregiver’s life – not just job performance but personal relationships, sleep, eating habits, mood and productivity. The terrible toll fatigue and stress can take is staggering. The problem poses a major concern that is both daunting and costly.

The Solution:

Institute a program that helps to effectively address and combat both fatigue and stress, and all the counter-productive ramifications. A program that is easy to implement and measure, and that is cost effective; a program that all people can use regardless of their professional role.


To provide a program designed specifically for health care providers that provides a solution for fatigue and stress

That is drug-free, all natural
On-demand and
Highly focused

Using a well-designed program that is already

Proven and


Immediate results –Reduced fatigue, improved focus, reduced levels of stress
Higher levels of patient and caregiver satisfaction
Continued and/or additional reduction in health care provider expense
Significant ROI with small Installation expense and minimal training


The Vevazz Vision is a small “cost effective” tool that allows individual medical practitioners to select the program that best support their own personal issues and needs. The Vevazz Vision is a simple to use iPod-like device with LED equipped eyewear and headphones providing a unique delivery of audio programs. The user simply chooses an audio track, puts on the eyewear and headphones, lies back, and relaxes with eyes closed.

Here is what Kaiser nurses have to say:
More than 1,000 nurses have had an opportunity to experience the Master Key during the Kaiser four day annual Caritas events held in Northern California. The following responses are the results of interviews and questions presented to approximately 50 randomly selected nurses. Ninety-nine percent of the nurses who experienced the Master Key responded, "that they felt they would benefit greatly from being able to use the Master Key to help reduce stress and fatigue and regain focus while on the job"

Here is what Dr. Jonathan Ellerby has to say:
Dr. Ellerby is a recipient of international awards in holistic healing, spiritual counseling, integrative medicine, corporate consulting and author of the bestselling books, Return to the Sacred and Your Spiritual Personality; leading expert practitioner at the highly acclaimed health clinic Canyon Ranch and recognized expert in film, print, television and radio.

"I cannot stress enough how much I have come to feel that the technology and programs offered by the Master Key are exactly what most people need today. The combination of education and the functional use of music and brain state science is the advantage people will need as they work to manage their busy lives, break habits, and make great changes in health and peace of mind. The momentum of the outside word is not to be underestimated, and offers an antidote and an advantage that would help virtually anyone."
— Dr. Jonathan Ellerby, PhD., Canyon Ranch Resort & Health Spa, Tucson, Arizona

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